Eros love is a “physical” passionate love and Agape love is spiritual and easily defined as an unconditional love. Philia can be thought only, but his Christian purpose is to become an agape. The root of the word “erotic” comes from eros. Spiritually speaking, there are three types of love; philos, eros and agape. As C. S. Lewis wrote in his book, The Four Loves, “To the Ancients, Friendship seemed the happiest and most fully human of all loves.”

Het woord agape zelf werd door de Grieken niet vaak gebruikt: eros, de geslachtelijke liefde, en philia, vriendschap, komen veel vaker voor.In het Latijn werd agape vaak vertaald als caritas, wat men kan vertalen naar het Nederlands als dierbaarheid of naastenliefde.

L'Agape nei Padri Apostolici, su Agape, su – Enciclopedie on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana. Philia is friendship love.This word is used in the Bible. Eros is the form of that would be sexual in nature. The most common words for love in Greek are agape, eros, philia and storge. Grundtypen von Freundschaft und Liebe – Schatten und Glück der Gemeinschaft Edith Düsing Das echte Gespräch erfüllt sich, wenn Partner sich einander in Wahrheit zuwenden, frei vom eitlen Scheinenwollen; nur so entsteht gemeinschaftliche Fruchtbarkeit. Agape is one of the children of Aphrodite, sister of Eros. Agape, Eros, Philia, Philautia, Storge, Pragma, Ludus, Mania aka Unconditional Love, Romantic Love, Affectionate Love, Self-love, Familiar Love, Enduring Love, Playful Love, Obsessive Love. Imagine a philia between a man and a woman : there is always a risk of seduction. Eros ist die erste aus dem Dreigestirn Eros Agape Philia. There are a number of different Greek words for love, as the Greek language distinguishes how the word is used. The complete opposite is called a phobia Le due facce dell'amore: Eros e Agape, su (archiviato dall'url originale il 15 ottobre 2014). Philia: Philia refers to brotherly love and is most often exhibited in a close friendship. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Relationships 4 Powers and Abilities 5 Gallery 6 Trivia Agape is a young girl with green skin, yellow long hair that parts from her forehead with no bangs. It is the love that focuses on the will, not the emotions, experiences, or libido.

Philos love is mental and earthly love that is found in friendships, marriages and family ties. The complete opposite is called a phobia. Philia (/ ˈ f ɪ l i ə /; Ancient Greek: φιλία), often translated "brotherly love", is one of the four ancient Greek words for love: philia, storge, agape and eros.In Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, philia is usually translated as "friendship" or affection. Philia (İngilizce telaffuz: veya İngilizce telaffuz: ; Grekçe: φιλία), sıklıkla "kardeşçe sevgi" olarak çevrilen, dört antik Yunan sevgi sözlerinden (philia, storge, agape ve eros) biri. Agape ist der gute Kompass, ausgestattet mit einem starken Entscheidungswillen, der euch durch Krisen navigiert, wenn die magnetische Kraft von Eros und Philia schwindet. Finally, note that agape … Aristoteles'in Nicomachean Ethicsinde, philia genellikle "arkadaşlık" veya sevgi olarak çevrilir.

Ancient Greek has three distinct words for love: eros, philia, and agape.However, as with other languages, it has been historically difficult to separate the meanings of these words. Toch heeft men enkele niet-Joodse inscripties gevonden met het woord. Eros ist nicht nur eine Triebkraft in der Ehe bzw. In Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, philia is usually translated as friendship or affection. What is philia indulging in Eros ? Philos love is mental and earthly love… Die Unterscheidung verschiedener Arten menschlicher Liebe durch Wörter wie Eros, Storge und Philia (siehe Abschnitt Klassifizierungen des Artikels Liebe), von denen nur Philia im Neuen Testament vorkommt, wird nicht gemacht. The Greeks had four words to describe what we call love, Eros, (romantic love), Phileo, (enjoyment, fondness, friendship), Storge (family loyalty) and Agape (unconditional love with stick-ability). Während Eros für das Feuer aus erotischer Anziehung und Zärtlichkeit sorgt, legt Philia ein gemeinsames Verständnis für eure Ziele, Werte und Interessen. Love. I like to think of them broadly as; Eros-A love felt particularly within the body (trembling excitement, elation, joy), coloured and underpinned by deep and beautiful procreative urges.…

Philia was considered to be the love or friendship between people, or brotherly love. der Partnerbeziehung.Allgemein kann zwischen Menschen Eros im Sinne einer Anziehungskraft herrschen. Agape: Agape is defined as a self-sacrificing love. Eros ist die körperliche Liebe.Eros ist die körperliche Anziehungskraft.Eros kann nach Ansicht der alten Griechen sowohl zwischen Mann und Frau als auch zwischen Mann und Mann sein. Philia is one of the children of Aphrodite and a sister of Eros. Tam tersi ise …

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