While the rewards are great, there are long hours at births and life on call. These workshops can be completed in person or online. I want to BECOME a doula. Some doulas also teach childbirth education, which is a separate course altogether.

The largest and best-known certification program is provided by DONA International.DONA-approved workshops provide a minimum of 16 hours of instruction time, with an emphasis on practical hands-on techniques, the history of birth, benefits of doula support and the significance of doula support for families. I AM a doula. How To Become A Doula : For one to become a doula, they must be trained professionally in matters regarding childbirth. You can choose to become a birth doula, a postpartum doula (called a postnatal doula in Australia), or both!

What training do doulas have? Becoming a doula . Attend a Doula UK Introductory Workshop to find out more about becoming a doula and if it is right for you.

Certification through DONA is not necessary to work as a doula. Some doulas also teach childbirth education, which is a separate course altogether. You have the potential to touch so many lives! We do however ask you to look over this list to help you determine for yourself if you would make a good doula before getting started.

This is not work that people do “just because”. Each doula has their own reason for wanting to become a doula and no two doulas are exactly the same. Become a Doula Becoming a doula offers many exciting opportunities. No, New Beginnings Doula Training is an independent training organization and is one of the pioneers in online doula certification. If you are feeling the call to become a death doula, now is the time. Here at International Doula Institute, we don’t have any prerequisites to becoming a doula. A birthing doula ushers someone into the world and a death doula completes that cycle. Check List of Steps to Start Your Doula Journey. New families need so much support in those early weeks and months, and you can use your skills and your heart to help them get off to a great start.

If you are feeling the call to become a death doula, now is the time.

Each organization requires prospective doulas to complete approved workshops. Working with expectant and new families in your community provides a fulfilling foundation for spreading and developing strong support from pregnancy through postpartum.

It’s an incredible time to start your journey as a birth or postpartum doula. So if you want to become a doula but aren’t sure if you have what it takes, read on! We’d love to have you join thousands of doulas around the world as a member of DONA International.

As more generations age, there may be a push to do death differently, and increase the need for death doulas. Let’s explore this path together. Each doula has their own reason for wanting to become a doula and no two doulas are exactly the same. Read the ‘Journey to Being a Doula’ page.

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